

發(fā)布于:2022-10-13 17:55:42  來(lái)源:http://www.lmkxbs.cn

A few days ago, a friend asked a question. What should I do if the normal automatic wine vending machine suddenly went black? Xiao Bian tells you that, in fact, the reason why the screen of the automatic wine vending machine appears black is usually because the screen temperature is too high. Of course, other reasons are not excluded.
We should remind everyone that when purchasing machines, we should choose the manufacturers of automatic wine vending machines with good reputation and service. So, what is the reason for the black screen of the automatic wine vending machine? How should we deal with it? Troubleshooting can be completed according to the following idea:
1. Restart can solve most problems. Just like our computers and mobile phones, there are also some unexpected failures in the running process. These failures can usually be solved by simply restarting the machine.
2. Check the equipment wiring. Check whether the screen wiring connected to the lower machine control panel is loose; If it is not loose, check whether the power adapter is turned on and plugged in. If the light does not come on, you need to replace the power adapter from the beginning.
3. Check the influence of environmental factors on the layout of automatic wine vending machine. For example, if there is water stain around the display screen of the machine, it indicates that the black screen of the machine may be caused by water ingress.
4. Internal causes of the machine. If the common cause is eliminated, it may be that there is a problem inside the machine, which is more serious. It is recommended to contact the manufacturer selling the machine for maintenance.
The above are some practical operations provided to you when the automatic wine vending machine is black screen. Don't panic when this happens. Try to use the exclusion method to correct. If there are any problems, please contact us http://www.lmkxbs.cn 。


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