

發(fā)布于:2021-09-06 15:23:41  來源:http://www.lmkxbs.cn

The distillation equipment in the brewing equipment mainly plays the roles of separation and concentration, sterilization, heating and metamorphism. The following is a brief introduction to these functions and principles by the Xiaobian of Qufu rentai container packaging brewing equipment factory.
1. Separation and concentration
Distillation of fermented grains is mainly to extract alcohol and flavor substances, steam a certain amount of water, mix some trace substances, and discharge the fermented grains composed of solid substances, high boiling point substances and water.
In addition, some low boiling point impurities such as carbon dioxide, wine, hydrogen sulfide and free ammonia are discharged from the gas phase. At the same time of separation, it also plays a role in concentrating alcohol and aroma components.
The brewing equipment concentrated 4% to 6% of the fermented grains of ethanol to 50% to 70%, and other substances also increased the concentration, so that the Baijiu should maintain its proper ethanol content and have a special aroma.
2. Bactericidal action
The remarkable feature of solid-state fermentation is the circular fermentation of fermented grains. During the distillation process, the microorganisms in fermented grains are treated, and the miscellaneous bacteria in fermented grains are eliminated, creating favorable conditions for the next normal fermentation.
3. Thermal metamorphism
Fermented fermented grains have strong aroma. After distillation, the aroma of liquor and fermented grains is completely different. During distillation, there is a small amount of aroma dispersion, and some substances that are unstable to heat are retained after heating, and some aroma substances are generated after heat change.


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