

發(fā)布于:2021-08-30 14:56:52  來(lái)源:http://www.lmkxbs.cn

In fact, there are still few automatic wine vending machines on the market. There are only some places in some areas. However, when we use them, we will find that they can be supplemented by physical stores. Today, let's take a look at the reasons for using automatic wine vending equipment.
1. Because the consumption base of alcohol is actually increasing gradually, and consumers' interest in wine is increasing every month, and the position of various coming retail stores is also more important. However, because the profits of wine products have become more and more transparent, and the costs of rent and salespeople are gradually increasing, wine retail stores can not be popularized like other categories of communities, so in fact, this kind of sales revenue has some defects for consumers, merchants and dealers.
Automatic wine vending machine
2. And now many young people's consumption habits have changed greatly. More and more people like to use more convenient and faster automatic wine vending machines to choose the products they need, and the transmission sales method generally does not meet this requirement.
3. Many young people in the first and second tier cities are accustomed to a 24-hour shopping experience, but for example, most physical businesses close after about 8 p.m., so in fact, this kind of nighttime purchase and consumption demand can not be met.
The above is part of the reason for using the automatic wine vending machine, because in fact, this way can make some changes to its consumption mode in the future, and it can more meet the needs of consumers for buying wine, and even drive more industries to develop together.


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