

發(fā)布于:2020-03-03 14:04:51  來(lái)源:http://www.lmkxbs.cn

  The arrival of the new retail era has changed our consumption habits and concepts. In order to make our life more convenient, more and more intelligent machines appear in our life, these intelligent machines are also loved by the market.
  One. Advanced concept, broad market prospect
  Liquor is the favorite drink of Chinese people, with a market value of hundreds of billion yuan. With the coming of sharing era and unmanned retail era, the traditional beverage retail mode has been unable to adapt to the contemporary consumption concept.
  Independent vending machine - combine the concept of sharing with the concept of unmanned retail. We should not only conform to the development of the times, but also lead the trend of the times.
  The wine market will become a milestone in the wine retail market.
  Second, independent research and development to reduce investment cost
  It is completely assumed that the operation of the machine needs technical support. If there is no own R & D team, no own research and technology, the production cost of the machine will increase. For franchisees, the investment cost will increase.
  Self produced and self-selling wine machine - the professional R & D team, advanced technology, assembly line production plant, can not only reduce production costs, but also ensure the quality of products.
  3、 Novel model and simple operation
  Convenience is the symbol of modern consumption, people are more and more tired of the tedious shopping process.
  Self service beverage machine - the restaurant breaks the traditional sales model, no shop, no store, no employee, no consumer to buy wine, scan code to produce wine.
  And self-produced and self-selling machine - to create a wine circle, to achieve the wishes of the majority of wine lovers: on call. Let consumers buy as much as they want.
  4、 Cost effective supply and good benefit
  Purchasing is also one of the most important things in the store. Cost effective sources can not only build brand reputation, but also create considerable profits.
  Self service wine machine - the wine industry has directly reached a cooperative relationship with several wineries, which not only ensures the quality of the wine, but also ensures the low price of the wine, and is more conducive to the development of the market.
  Self made liquor machine - create and enjoy wine world with advanced concept and own strength, open new liquor retail market completely, a small machine can also bring you great wealth, now you know how to make money in the new retail era?
  The above is a detailed introduction to the advantages of automatic wine vending machine with the market demand. To learn more, please click http://www.lmkxbs.cn/


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