

發(fā)布于:2019-11-26 16:27:34  來源:http://www.lmkxbs.cn

  We will have stains on the surface of solid wood wine barrel with stainless steel liner for a period of time. How can we prevent it? So now Qufu rentai container packaging Co., Ltd. will tell you how to prevent it!
  The stainless steel solid wood cask will appear stains after using for a period of time, which is the result of accumulation over time, mainly due to improper cleaning and maintenance at ordinary times. Therefore, if you want to make the stainless steel solid wood cask without stains, you need to master the correct cleaning and maintenance methods. Then, how can we remove the stain of the solid wood barrel with the stainless steel inner tank is the thing we need to solve.'
  Before use, the stainless steel inner solid wood barrel can be coated with a thin layer of vegetable oil on the surface, and then dried on the fire, which is very easy to clean and can extend the service life.
  After the stainless steel inner solid wood barrel is cleaned, the water mark on the surface should be wiped dry.
  The above is how to prevent the stain on the surface of the stainless steel inner solid wood barrel told by Qufu rentai container packaging Co., Ltd. I hope it can help you. To learn more, please click http://www.lmkxbs.cn/


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