

發(fā)布于:2024-05-13 14:13:25  來源:http://www.lmkxbs.cn


Usage of fully automatic stubble cooling machine


The fully automatic stubble drying machine completes the processes of spreading, adding pulp, adding yeast, stirring, and unloading in one go. Compared with traditional processes, it greatly reduces labor intensity and achieves mechanical automation. Equipped with multiple axial flow fans, the air volume is adjusted to lower the high-temperature cold stubble to the specified temperature during transportation, resulting in good spreading effect. Multiple mixing devices are set up during the spreading process to make the cold stubble loose and less prone to clumping. The addition of slurry and downward bending are uniform, and the quantity can be adjusted. Through the device, the slurry, koji powder, and grain stubble can be evenly mixed.


Usage steps:


1、 Before installation, check all parts of the fully automatic stubble drying machine for any looseness. If found, repair is required before installation.


2、 During installation, the gap between the running wheels of the stubble trimmer and the track is standardized when the stubble trimmer runs back and forth with the track.



3、 After the installation of the stubble cutting machine is completed, it needs to be tested for about five minutes to check for any noise in various parts. If any noise is found, it should be parked for maintenance. Only after the test work is normal can it be put into normal production and use.


4、 During use, regular attention should be paid to any abnormal movements and whether the noise increases. If any noise is found, the car should be parked for maintenance in a timely manner.


5、 After the stubble cutting machine is put into use, it should be regularly checked for loose bolts and damaged parts. If found, it should be repaired or replaced according to the specific situation.


6、 During use, the oil injection area should be regularly lubricated, usually with butter every three months, to ensure normal lubrication of all transmission parts of the stubble machine and reduce wear.


7、 If the fully automatic stubble drying machine is stopped for a long time and put into production again, it should be checked from the beginning and put into production again after passing the test run and working normally.

  本文來自:全自動涼茬機(jī) 更多的內(nèi)容請點(diǎn)擊:http://www.lmkxbs.cn 我們將會為您提問的問題提供一個滿意的服務(wù),歡迎您的來電!

This article comes from: Fully automatic stubble cooler. For more information, please click: http://www.lmkxbs.cn We will provide satisfactory service for the questions you ask. Welcome to call us!


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