

發(fā)布于:2019-10-23 16:51:07  來源:http://www.lmkxbs.cn

  In stores or supermarkets, we can see the sales situation of liquor. Most of the packages of liquor are glass bottles. Even bulk liquor is also made of plastic bottles. Why not use cans? Simple is easy. Do you know the reason?
  1. Liquor contains high alcohol and other chemicals. If liquor is rancid due to various reasons, it will have chemical reaction with the inner wall of the can. Thus, it will corrode the tank and form wine leakage.
  2. Different from other drinks, various aromatic substances are still changing after brewing and filling. The shelf life is very long, which increases the possibility of these repercussions.
  3. The wall of the can is very thin, containing liquid containing gas, such as carbonated drinks, beer, etc. Gas shrinkage will increase the strength of the tank wall to facilitate transportation and storage.
  4. The wall of gas free can drinks needs to be made very thick. The cost will be increased and the price will be more expensive.
  不銹鋼內膽實木酒桶廠家提示,開車不喝酒,喝酒不開車,出門在外一定要留意平安。本文來源:http://www.lmkxbs.cnStainless steel inner solid wood barrel manufacturer's prompt, driving does not drink, drinking does not drive, outside must pay attention to safety. Source: http://www.lmkxbs.cn


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