

發(fā)布于:2019-07-17 16:25:12  來源:http://www.lmkxbs.cn

  Wine brewing process equipment is an important technical detail of the spirit can not touch the air, because once the wine contacts the air, wine will pollute the air with harmful bacteria, wine will oxidize, oxidized wine, and do not see any change in the short term, but with the passage of time, the quality and shelf life of wine will be serious. Influence.
  Fully automatic stubble cooler
  In order to prevent wine from being oxidized and polluted in the process of brewing and preservation, the technical measures taken by wine manufacturers are to continuously add sulfur dioxide and other chemical additives to wine. Sulphur dioxide is a harmful chemical to human body. It is not very good for wine to fill in sulphur dioxide. But because the breweries using brewing equipment and technology can not guarantee that the spirit is not in contact with the air, so they add sulphur dioxide is also a necessary liquid brewing process. If you add sulphur dioxide to wine, you will have a lot of water in your brain, because you are trying to make healthy, safe wines without any chemical additives.
  Fully automatic stubble cooler
  There are many methods of brewing wine with brewing equipment without chemical additives, but because they use the wrong brewing containers, the wine will still be in contact with the air during the brewing process, which is difficult to guarantee the quality of wine. In fact, as long as every detail in the brewing process can ensure that the wine is not in contact with the air, we can effectively control the quality and hygiene standards of the wine in the brewing process.
  The above is the relevant content of the automatic stubble cooler manufacturers for you. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.lmkxbs.cn.


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